Here we go!!!!!!
OK, so this is my last day in Louisville! What sweet sorrow. Really makes you hunger all the more for heaven where we'll never have to leave, nor have any reason or desire to!! Come Lord Jesus! What a wonderful year it has been here at Southern. How appropriate it was today that Pastor Vickers preached on Thanksgiving from Colossians! I leave tomorrow morning for Texas and will be down there for about a week and a half, then off to the Twin Cities. I just want to thank you all so much for your faithful prayers for me. May the Lord grant you a greater joy in His presence and a deeper longing to see His face. This is an even sweeter thought as I write this, listening to I will Glory in My Redeemer. I will try and post more pictures in the days to come, just to give more visual and verbal commentary on how things unfold. My phone number and e-mail will stay the same, so please feel free to contact me whenever you like. I will include my new address below. I love you guys and look forward to how the Lord will cause the knowledge of Himself to cover the earth, as the waters cover the seas! Blessings, jason
2420 12th Ave. South
Minneapolis, MN 55404