Thursday, November 02, 2006

New study technique

When I first arrived here in Minneapolis about 3 months ago, the Lord put it into my heart and mind to try a new technique for studying His word each morning. The Lord has greatly blessed me through it with the ability to remember what I studied and apply it more easily to the situations of each day. May I commend it to you? Here goes!
First, take a very small passage of Scripture and read through it, basically seeking to explain or teach yourself what each part is there for and what each sentence adds to the a way like providing running personal commentary. Once you're finished with your study, look at all your notes and try to summarize it all in a few words or a short phrase. Then, take a note card, divide it into thirds and write on one of them your phrase for the day, the date and the reference for the passage of Scripture. Carry it around in your pocket all day, looking at it periodically and trying to apply it to some of the situations that you go through that day. This should aid in retention. You might surprise yourself at how much you can remember from a simple phrase, constantly recalled all day. Once you have a good number of cards and phrases, use them to try and create a poem that could be memorized, so that perhaps you will never loose the truth the Lord teaches you. Think of it, you could have your own poem covering a whole book of the Bible! I'll include an example to help. I haven't had a chance to write a poem for these yet, but I will give you the outline this time and the poem next week. Love you guys!
The Gospel of John
9/1 – Jesus is the map: the way and the destination (John 14:1-6)
9/2 – Demonstration of dependence and the promise of power (John 14:7-15)
9/4 – Increase of intimacy (John 14:16-17)
9/5 – I will go, remain, and come again (John 14:18-21)
9/6 – To love is to keep (John 14:22-31)
9/7 – The vine: source of all fruit and life (John 15:1-5)
9/8 – Fire vs. Whatever (John 15:6-7)
9/9 – Abide and enjoy the chain of blessings (John 15:8-11)
9/11 – Provocative and patterned love (John 15:12)
9/12 – Chosen to die (John 15:12-17)
9/13 – Four comforts in suffering (John 15:18-21)
9/14 – The father’s testimony: Jesus’ word, works, Spirit, and disciples (John 15:22-27)
9/16 – He keeps us through His gift (John 16:1)
9/18 – Remembrance is prevention (John 16:1-4)
9/19 – Man sinful, Christ righteousness, Judgment has begun (John 16:5-11)
9/20 – The unity of the Trinity (John 16:12-15)
9/21 – Indelible joy through the two little whiles (John 16:16-22)
9/22 – Receive joy by asking anything in My name (John 16:23-28)
9/25 – God glorified in the events and effects of suffering (John 17:1)
9/26 – Authority to eternally delight (John 17:2-3)
9/27 – Focus on the effects/reward (John 17:4-5)
9/28 – From Father, through Son, to children (John 17:6-8)
9/29 – Kept by joint efforts (John 17:9-12)