Delighted to show preference!
"Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another as more important than yourselves;" (Phil. 2:3)
"Let love be without hypocrisy. Abhor what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in brotherly love; give preference to one another in honor;" (Rom. 12:9-10)
To regard or consider another person as more important than me is not natural and is not something that can be authentically (without hypocrisy) willed up. Genuine love for others is a fruit of the Spirit of God that only He can produce, yet is to be sought after by every believer with all their heart. So what does it look like to sincerely love others or think of them more highly than oneself. May I offer one possible suggestion? Notice how in Romans 12 Paul commands believers to be devoted to one another and in the same breath to give preference to one other in honor. Could it be that in Paul's eyes one way to devote oneself to another in love is to give them preference? And isn't to consider another as more important than yourself to consider their preferences as more important than yours too? So what is preference and how does it honor others? Isn't preference merely to hold another person's ideas or ways of doing things as more desirable than your own. Wow! What a radical thing to command! Notice that Paul is not talking the objective theological principles of the Word or life, but the subjective, practical everyday preferences people hold. I want to take this way to the store, but you want to take an alternate route. Let's take your way! This song encourages me most and that song encourages you most. Let's sing that song! I like this type of food and you like that kind of food. Let's go to that restaurant! I like doing this or going here more, and you like doing that or going there more. Let's do that and go there! This is Christian, humble, loving, selfless preference of others. Isn't it beautiful? If the church of Jesus Christ were to take this commanded attitude to heart, think of the witness and attraction she would be to a world looking for reasons not to come to Christ.