Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Change of Study

As many of you know, my plans were to begin this fall at Southern Seminary in the Billy Graham School of Missions with an emphasis in International Church Planting. However, after much consideration, prayer and wise counsel from many trusted friends and advisors, I have felt the Lord leading me to switch my focus of study to the School of Theology with an emphasis in Christian Ministry. It seems as though this track will better prepare me for the teaching/discipleship role that I would like to play among the Chinese people in the future after seminary, Lord willing.
Thank you so much to all of you who have continued to pray that the Lord would grant me direction in this. I would also petition anyone who would to continue to lift this area up for me, as I simply desire to obey the voice of Jesus Christ. The 4 classes that I am tentatively planning on taking in the fall are: 1. Beginning Greek 2. Hermenutics (Biblical Interpretation) 3. Spiritual Formations 4. Intro. to Church History.
Please pray that the Lord would prepare my heart and mind to fully take in that which He desires to reveal of Himself to me and that He would grant me the appropriate affections to His truth. I love and appreciate you all so much! May the blessings of knowing Christ be yours in increasing degree.


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