Saturday, April 08, 2006

Prayer for Prayer

Brothers and Sisters, I have a new request that I would love for you to join me in prayer about. For about the past few months, the Lord has been burdening my heart with a desire to be a more devoted prayer warrior for others, and as a result has enabled me to see the amazing need for prayer to be exalted as the way the church confesses her dependence upon her Lord. The Lord is sovereign over all creation, working all things according to the counsel of His own will, yet in His soverignty has chosen to provide prayer as the means through which His purposes are to be accomplished. God has made great promises in His Word that He desires to be accessed. It exalts God as His promises are believed and laid hold of in prayer. Prayer is the way we confess our faith in (dependence upon) Christ. How can I be given such sweet promises by the Maker, Ruler and Orderer of all things and allow them to sit there unbelieved? Isn't it also disobedience to not constantly depend upon the Lord in the way He has prescribed? So all that to say, prayer is an incredible gift and is to be utilized as such. How many great revivals in history have come about as a result of revived, God-centered prayer? With all of this on my heart, I have been praying that the Lord would use me to further His purposes in this way at my church here in Louisville. You can then imagine my joy last week, when the brother from my church who coordinates the prayer ministry approached me and asked if I would pray about taking over his responsibilities when he graduates in May. I really feel the Lord leading me in this direction! There are so many things that I would like to see take place, yet realize that it is only by the grace and kindness of God that anything will come about. So would you please pray that the Lord would humble me to serve the body in this way and that He would use me to do whatever He desires through this ministry? If there's one area of ministry that I think gets overlooked most easily, it's this one. I desire church prayer ministries not to be just side, support, supplemental ministries, but one as foundational as Scripture makes it. Also, if there's one area I would like to be strong and well seasoned in before I go overseas for the rest of my life, it's learning to depend on the Lord through prayer. Thanks for fighting for me in this way!


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