Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Eliminate the Possibilities

How difficult it truly is to discern where one's love and joy are based. As Christians, we claim that our happiness is founded in the person of Jesus Christ. However, as the world looks on, they often find it hard to tell. We look the same, act the same, talk the same, and seem to be motivated by the same things. No true Christian would ever want a non-believer to think that there is any hope or joy outside of a relationship with Jesus Christ. Therefore, it would seem that it is the responsibliity of every Christian to try and make it clear to the lost where our joy is found, by eliminating the other possibilities. So what else could possibly be the source of our joy in the eyes of the world? This is a question for every person to think about personally and specifically. I only have time to elaborate on one of them, but the contemplation of others is worth hours and days and years of our time. One thing that might be mistaken as a joy-source are simply our possessions. It is easy to see why the world thinks our possessions are what make us happy. Because we live just like the world, and in many cases materialistically better. What are a few ways that I might make it clear to the world that my joy is in Christ and not things? Perhaps by not having as nice of things. Live like you would in a time of war, since we are in a time of war, both physically, and more importantly, spiritually. One specific technique that I have put into practice to this end, noting that it was not my original idea, is to limit myself to one or two outfits of clothing. So that when someone asks me why I wear the same thing every day, it becomes an open door to the gospel in sharing with them that I do it for them. I'm willing to sacrifice an elaborate wardrobe to help you see that Jesus is the only One that can bring true satisfaction. I would never want to deceive you into thinking my joy was based in something else. As a result, they will also be a lot less likely to say," That's stupid!" because the whole reason I did it was for them. Is this not a loving sacrifice? You mean you care about me that much? Or do we care more about our vain images, hoping to impress all on-lookers? Furthermore, the crazy thing I discovered in doing this is that some of my joy actually was based in clothing. At first I thought I was doing this for the lost, but it seems that it has been for my sanctification as well. This has helped me to see my own sin, confess it to God, and pray His help in fighting against such fleshly desires. Alot of times you never know that something is an idol until you get rid of it. Now, this is only one, but there are hundreds of other things that we need to try and eliminate as possible joy-bases, for the sake of the lost, for the sake of personal holiness, and most importantly, for the glory of God in whole-hearted worship! "We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ," (2 Cor. 10:5)


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